What do you do when you feel like your dreams are being crushed? Barely making it and almost there use to be the story of my life. Just when it seemed I was at the point of making it to the next level I hit a snag. It is so hard to stay positive when you feel as though you are failing at every attempt to make it. I would work so hard to be good at something…. to be relevant. I finally felt like I'd found my purpose in life only to have it hit another roadblock. This was a never ending cycle for me. I didn't want my life to be full of more downs than ups. I didn't want to find myself never getting to the next level. There were times I wanted to scream and break things. I wanted to cry and scream…. I wanted to just get in my car and drive…. away!
One thing is for sure I didn't want my children to ever feel inadequate. I didn't want them to think they couldn't succeed in life. I didn't want them to see mom and dad fail over and over. I didn't want them to think that they would never fulfill their dreams. So what did I do? How did I get past this feeling of failure and despair? How did I move from this place to the next level in my life? I'll tell you how.... I FOUGHT!
For as long as I can remember I have been a fighter. I have fought my way through bad relationships, losses, disappointments, etc. You name it I have been through it, but the one thing that gets me through (after my initial emotional outburst) is my fight. What is the fight? Glad you asked. The fight is the thing on the inside of you that causes you to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move forward. It is the tenacity on the inside that refuses to let you wallow in self-pity. It is this very thing that gives you the power to say...."I may be down now, but I will not allow this to keep me here." It is that power that rises up and announces: "I am still in this fight.... I may have lost this battle, but I will win this war."
I will fight for my dreams! I will fight for my wealthy place in life!
The Fight is On!
What do you do?
1. Make the decision to not let setbacks dictate your life.
2. Ask the Lord to strengthen your resolve.
3. Stand up and fight for your dreams.
"Activating and Building the Godly Woman in You!"