Proverbs 2:9-10 (NLT): Then you will understand what is right, just and fair, and you will find the right way to go. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy.
Wisdom is gained through a steady course of growing. In order to become wise there are four things we must do and take in account. The third one we are going to discuss:
3) We must work to make right choices and avoid moral pitfalls.Making the right choice is sometimes just a matter of will power. It is just like knowing you are not suppose to eat that delicious piece of cake, but you do anyway just because you wanted to….then you suffer the consequences later. In order to avoid moral pitfalls you must be willing to first, live by every word of the Bible (as a Christian it is our guideline for living everyday life), then you must work to avoid situations that might cause you to make the wrong decision and fall into moral failure. I know that this is much easier said than done, but it can be done.
Take Action: This week let's work to avoid situations that will cause us to make the wrong decision and let's seek to better ourselves for the future.
Some people have more insight than good judgment; others have more understanding than common sense. But we can pray for all phases of wisdom and take the steps to develop them.
Thank you for allowing me to activate and build the Godly Woman in you.