Have you ever had a problem dealing with things in your life because of the thoughts and opinions of others? Have you ever allowed the thoughts of others to define who you are or what you do? I think all of us have allowed the thoughts of others to infiltrate our lives one way or another. This is not always something that we notice right off. This can be as simple as someone saying they don't like your hair or what you have on that can make you altar your choices or change what you do. So we try to choose a hairstyle or clothing that others will approve of instead of being who God made us and doing what makes us happy. The bible says:
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." Proverbs 4:23 (NLT)
The scripture above is a new favorite of mine. Recently I sat to have a conversation with my wonderful husband about some issues I was having within myself. As much as I try to not worry about the opinions of others, I still find myself viewing myself through the eyes of others. This is a true struggle for me, but I have been working through the issues and have made tremendous progress. However, every once in a while I find myself struggling with this issue. During the course of our conversation my husband said these words to me: "Don't let other people's thoughts and opinions live on the inside of you." This statement struck a chord on the inside of me. In so many words he was telling me to guard my heart. That led me to the scripture in Proverbs. Your heart determines the course of your life. So whatever you let in your heart will determine where you go in life. Wow!
I have determined not to allow the thoughts and opinions of others to live in my heart. I refuse to be defined by others and to work my life trying to live up to the standards of others. My heart's desire is to be seen through God's eyes and to see myself through God's eyes. So determine in your heart today that you will be who God made you and never make excuses for it!
"Activating and Building the Godly woman in You"