Okay ladies, I know when you read the title of this post there were many things flowing through your mind. I can hear some of you say….my life is always on overload! Yes, I know and believe me I understand. My life has been on overload since the day I said I do.
Recently I had a mini meltdown. As you know I am the mini version of superwoman. I have a husband, three children – I homeschool my children and run a business from home and I also attend school. I woke up one morning last week for my 5am prayer time and had the worst sore throat. My legs were weak as I rose from bed and my body felt like a giant headache.
As I started to begin my prayer I thought, "Lord please let this pass!" It was clear by the end of my prayer time that I was in for a battle. As the day went on I began to feel worse. My children were catching it during our homeschool time because I was not in the mood for nonsense. By the end of the day I knew the flu was here to stay.
Now, I want you to understand that I have a good husband and I thank God for him every day, but sometimes even your blessings can seem like curses when you are afflicted. The next day when I rose for prayer it took every ounce of strength in my body. I wanted to stay in the bed, but I knew that I had made a commitment to the Lord and I wanted to keep my promise. Later that day, everything started running in on me. The children were less than co-operative and I woke up to my kitchen not being clean. Nothing had been done the night before from the other four people living in my house. I had to clean, teach and cook. This went on for the next two days until I had a meltdown.
I just couldn't take it anymore. Where was my relief? What did I have to do to get some help around here? For an instance I didn't know what to do…..then it came to me, nothing. Yes, I just dropped everything and did nothing. I took some medication, climbed into bed and did nothing. For the first time I allowed myself to do absolutely nothing and it felt good. I didn't feel guilty!
Every once in awhile, ladies, it is okay to just do nothing - relax, take care of you and regroup.