My life is full of peace and happiness because I am pursuing my purpose in life. I am confident that I am on the right path because I use and develop the interests and talents that my Creator has instilled in me.
I have let go of the notion that I should be something I was not created to be. When I focus on developing my own natural talents, I achieve peace and a sense of harmony.
I am productive because I am working within the perimeters of my own personality.
I admire others and learn from their experiences. I glean strategies for success and decide whether or not they would suit me. But I reject the idea that anyone else's path is more important than my own.
A healthy family, community, or society has a variety of different roles and functions, each one vital to the well-being of the whole. Some are more visible than others and some tend to garner more applause, but all are equally important.
I let go of the temptation to do things just to receive the applause of others. Instead, I focus on developing my true self, knowing that this is what makes me most productive and brings me peace and happiness.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- Are you trying to adopt someone else's purpose in life?
- Whose approval are you seeking by your actions?
- What are you doing to fulfill your purpose in life?