After going through the many issues of my past it was hard for me to love myself. I felt that I did not deserve any good that could come out of my life. I know this may seem extreme for some, but this is how I felt. I found it hard to care for the person that allowed these things to transpire. Little did I know that my lack of ability to love me was because I had not properly forgiven myself for the things that happened. I knew that I would have to start the forgiving process before I could move on. I had to allow myself to remember what had taken place and began to allow God to heal the hurt I had encountered. As I began this process I started on the road to treating myself better. I started doing things that made me feel good and look good. As I began to concentrate on me I began to feel better.
Loving on me became easier as time went on. I found that the little things I did – bubble baths, spa days, getting my hair done and my nails made me feel great! I began to put value on me and invest in my well being and happiness. As I continued this process it also made me feel that I deserved to be happy in life. This even carried over in my relationships. I no longer settled for relationships out of my hurts and issues of my past because I began to love me. Take the steps necessary to love you and become the best that you can be. This process may not be easy for some and as a life coach I am here to help. Let’s explore this process together sign up for a free session today!