Spiritual Warfare

~Preparing for War~

Are you ever truly prepared for war?  How many of us wake up and say, “I am ready to battle?”  I don't know about you, but I wake up wanting my day to be full of good cheer, love and fun.  I know, wishful thinking!  When I think of "preparing for war" I automatically think of someone putting on armor, grabbing their weapons and heading out to face whatever obstacle lay in their path.  When you think about it, this is exactly how you would prepare for any war, especially a spiritual war.  Although in a spiritual war you are not fighting in the physical, but you must prepare the same. You must remain battle ready.  This may seem extreme, but what do you think will happen if you are not battle ready?  The outcome of your situation may not turn out like you hope.

Preparing for war is a vigorous process that requires skill, discipline and focus.  Our armed forces go through months of training to be prepared to enter the battle zone.  When they are not in battle, they continue training and doing activities that will keep them ready to go into combat at any time.  We know that our enemy, the devil, is always planning and looking for ways to defeat us.  There are three important steps we must cover before we get into the heart of preparing for war.

The first step is to know that there is a war and, in that war, will be many battles.  Let's break down the difference between a war and a battle.  A battle is a small part of a war.  The war is made up of many battles and is more strategic.  It is in the battles that the actual fighting takes place.  It is the action part of the war.  Within a war you will have battles that you win and battles that you lose.  Just remember that the outcome of the battle does not necessarily determine the outcome of the war.

The second step is to know your enemy.  Let's think of a person headed out to fight.  When they have armored themselves and grabbed their weapon they need to know who they are going out to fight.  It would be a sad day if we sent our armed troops out to fight and never told them who they were fighting against.  In a spiritual fight you must know who you are fighting against.   Because we are not fighting a physical battle we know that our enemy is one that we cannot see.  The bible says it clearly in Ephesians 6:12: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

The third step is to be alert and aware always.  The bible says in 1 Peter 5:8: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” In another version it said, “to keep a cool head and stay alert.” This is very important.  We must be alert.  The devil is poised to pounce and would like nothing better than to catch you napping.  We should always have our eyes open and be aware of what is taking place both spiritually and naturally.  Before my son started acting out his rage and anger I started noticing things taking place.  I knew he was battling some things because I noticed his torment.  I knew the enemy was working overtime to destroy his life.  The Holy Spirit called me to a time of prayer.  I made a covenant to pray every day at the same time for a year.  That year turned into eight going on nine years.  It was during that first year that the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to some things.  I truly believe that He was preparing me for what was to come.  My spirit man was strengthened, and my spiritual discernment was sharpened.

Activating and Building Keys:

  • Are you currently in a spiritual battle?
  • Do you know the enemy you are fighting?
  • Are you staying alert and aware?

Today, take some time and take note of what is going on around you. Never think for a minute that the enemy is not strategically planning an attack. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you insight on what is going on at home, at work, and in your family. Ask Him to strengthen you and sharpen your spiritual discernment so you can stay battle ready.


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~Refine Me~

Today, I find myself surrendered, sold out and submitted.  I find myself in a place of total surrender to God the Father and His plan for my life. 

Have you've ever been in a place in your life that felt as though you're on a roller coaster that never ends?  A place where emotions are high, and clarity of thought seems like an impossible task?  Believe me, I've been there too many times to even mention.  But, the Lord dealt with me during this process.  Not only was he going to give me the strength to fight the enemy that would come to destroy my seed.  He was also going to refine me.

 "I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on My name, and I will answer them. I will say, 'These are My people,' and they will say, 'The LORD is our God.'"  (Zechariah 13:9 NLT)

As I walk through the fire (every test and trial) He was going to burn up and remove everything that would hinder my growth.  He was going to remove the rough edges and everything that was not like Him.  He was going to purge me, prune me and return me to my purified state. 

Not only would I stand as a mother dressed for war, but I would stand as a woman of refinement in all of her finesse and elegance, taste and manners.  He would use this process to make me the woman He called me to be.  So, while you're in this process, during even this time of spiritual warfare, if you allow him too, He will refine you, cleanse you, He will purify you.  You will not come out of this process torn, worn and tattered, but you'll come out as pure gold.  A woman of Refinement!


Activating and Building Keys:

  • Will you allow God to refine you during this process?
  • Will you allow Him to bring to light and remove things in your life that is not a reflection of Him?
  • Will you surrender everything to Him and allow Him to do the work?

Take Action: Today, make the decision to surrender every part of your life to God.  Even the parts of your life that is the most difficult.  It could be your attitude, emotions, eating habits, etc.  Whatever it is, give it to God and allow Him to refine you.  If you do this, I promise you will see change!



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~Spiritually Fit~

A warrior must be physically fit to enter battle.  The same goes for a spiritual warrior, they must be spiritually fit before entering a spiritual battle. 

What happens if a warrior is not fit? 

A warrior entering a battle that's not physically fit is a warrior easily defeated.  You can't win a battle if you're overweight, out of shape and nutritionally out of balance.  Just as a physical warrior a spiritual warrior will not win any battles if they are not praying, reading God's word and living a life of worship.

As spiritual warriors we must be spiritually fit.  Our prayer life must continue, we must study and meditate on God's Word and we must spend time worshiping the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  The absence of these three things leaves us unprepared, non-equipped and spiritually unbalanced.  There are several things that help us become spiritually fit for battle, but we will stick with these three areas for now and explore them a little further.

Prayer is one of our weapons of offense.  In prayer we can directly target things in the spirit.  A prayer life keeps us focused and allows us to stay alert and be aware of the enemy's plan, tactics and schemes. The bible says, "men ought to always pray," Luke 18:1b (KJV).  Without a prayer life we are left unguarded and vulnerable. 

The Word of God is a sword.  The bible says, "For the Word of God is alive and powerful.  It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires" Heb 4:12 (NLT).  The sword of the spirit is one of our weapons of defense.  It is used to cut, it is alive, active and full of power.  When our enemy comes at us with lies, false beliefs, doubt, fear and discouragement, if we have read the word and know what it says, we can use it to tear down and dismantle those things.

Worship is another weapon of offense.  In worship, we are giving honor to God.  When we worship, we are giving the enemy a black eye.  Worshiping God opens us up to receive direction and revelation.  It releases the hand of God to fight on our behalf.   Our worship releases angels, ministering spirits into the atmosphere.

To be a spiritual warrior you must be spiritually fit. Pray, read God's Word and worship to stay a spiritually fit warrior ready for battle!


Activating and Building Keys:

  • Are you spiritually fit?
  • Do you have a consistent prayer life?
  • Are you reading the Word of God daily?
  • Do you take time each day to worship God?

Take Action: Make up in your mind that you are going to be spiritually fit and ready for battle.  Begin to pray, read God's Word and worship him every day.



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~Spiritual Warriors~

What is a warrior?  A warrior is defined as a person engaged or experienced in warfare.  A person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness.  A warrior is a champion, fighter, hero, challenger, conqueror and defender.  A spiritual warrior can be defined as the same.  Even though we don't fight in physical battles we are warriors, spiritual warriors fighting a spiritual battle.  The bible says in Ephesians 6:12 (NLT): 

 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. 

A spiritual warrior confronts the enemy and dismantles false beliefs, lies, and fears that lead to the destruction of love ones, even themselves.  They fight battles in war that are not in the flesh, but in the spirit.  A spiritual warrior is not afraid to stand in the midst of an immoral world, while the battle in the spirit erupts around them.  A spiritual warrior stands firm in their faith and trust in God. Their faith is unshakable, and they refuse to weaken when challenged in their belief in an invisible God.  A spiritual warrior stands up to the enemy and never backs down to anything the enemy brings.

As mothers, we are spiritual warriors that will stand up against the enemy when he challenges what we have instilled in our children - when he challenges their training.  We understand who the enemy is and we are very aware of his schemes and tactics. As spiritual warriors, we live our lives upright before God and are able to stand in the midst of life’s battles with our heads held high. We allow God to lead, guide and direct our footsteps.  As spiritual warriors we are obedient, true, brave, and confident in God’s desire for our lives. We know that without a doubt, there is nothing too hard for God. As spiritual warriors we are always alert, dressed and ready for battle! 


Activating and Building Keys:

Are you ready to stand up and fight for your seed in the earth?

Do you desire to know what it means to be a spiritual warrior?

Today, take a moment and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you.  Ask Him for the strength to stand and fight for your seed in the earth.



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 "Activating and Building the Woman in You"

~A Warrior's Heart~

In order to be a mother in this day and age, we have to have a heart of a warrior.  There are going to be many trials and tribulations as we are raising our children and even when they are grown.  No matter what age they are, we will always find ourselves warring for them.  It is not over when they have entered the age of maturity.  Until we have left this earth we will always war for our children.  In this process of motherhood, we must have a heart of a warrior.  

As I was sitting in church one Sunday morning I took notice to one of the members.   This woman, a mother, was listening to the message being preached and she was weeping.  I could tell by her demeanor that these were not tears of happiness.  As I watched her my heart began to go out to her.  You see, she had been going through some tough times.  She is in a spiritual war/fight for her seed. 

I immediately wanted to wrap my arms around her and impart the strength the Lord has given to me to fight and war for my family.  I wanted to tell her not to lose heart...Don't faint! What it looks like in the flesh is not what it looks like in the spirit. 

We sometimes have to look at things through God's eyes. We must stand on every prophetic word and what the Word of God says about our family. What has God said about our children?  What does the Word of God say about our children?  Speak the word of God over them.  Keep them before the Lord.  Stay on our knees and fight.  

The Holy Spirit began to deal with me about having a warrior’s heart.  As I heard these words I began to think about what it meant to have a warrior's heart.  Many characteristics came to mind:

  • Standing firm
  • Strong - strength beyond imagination
  • Courage - courageous

A warrior is always ready to fight.  A warrior is always on alert and is always ready to go to battle.  The heart of a warrior is designed to survive.  A warrior keeps the faith in discouraging times.  A warrior does not waiver in his/her stand against the enemy.  A warrior never faints even in terminal situations.  A warrior has skills, power, strength, abilities beyond human thinking!  When we feel like we want to give up and throw in the towel, just remember we are equipped and prepared to enter the battle with a warrior’s heart. 


Activating and Building Keys:

Are you focusing on what it looks like in the natural?

Are you building yourself to stand despite what it looks like?

Today, take a moment and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you.  Allow Him to open your eyes to see Him working on your behalf. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen you and give you a warrior’s heart.


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~Mothers Dressed for War~

As mothers we are faced with many challenges as we raise our children in this world today. We struggle to raise our children to stand for truth and not fall for every changing mindset and tactics that the enemy throws at them. It's a battle for the seed every day.

My desire is to equip every mother with the tools and support they need to fight the battle and win the war. Each message, webinar, conference call, blog post, etc will be designed to equip, enhance, restore, refresh, strengthen, encourage and empower you. Mothers Dressed for War is not only designed for mothers, but the woman as a whole. My passion is to activate and build the woman in you!

A mother's job, as I have said many times, is the most difficult, time consuming, yet rewarding career. A true mother (woman), takes this job (her role) seriously. She will do anything she can to make sure her children have everything they needed - physically, mentally and spiritually. Our roles as mothers is to raise up "World Changers" and we have to know the enemy is out to destroy them before they can take their first breath. I invite every woman, mother, wife, to join me and Mothers Dressed for War as I teach the lessons I learned in the midst of every battle. Let us unite together to fight the battle and win the war.



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"Activating and Building the Woman in You"