~God My Strength - Day 12~
~Cast Your Cares - Day 14~

~Prayer is Priority - Day 13~

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

Prayer should be a priority in our lives. We should begin each day in prayer.  Acknowledge the Father as being first in our life.  There should be nothing or anyone else we put first before God. Anything we love more, serve more or worship more then the Father are idols in our life that need to be removed. 

When we put God first and make prayer a priority, it opens up a portal of blessings and answers to prayer.  If we keep our focus on God, keep Him first and make prayer a priority, we will reap great rewards.

Today, make prayer a priority.  Give God the first fruit of your day.  Give Him the praise due His name and watch Him pour you out blessings you won’t have room to receive.

Journal Time: 

1. Do you have things in your life you put before God? (Name them)

2. How can you remove those idols from your life?

3. How can you make prayer a priority in your life?


Father, I thank You and praise You for who You are – King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  I give You the first fruit of my day.  I put You first in my life and keep my eyes focused on You.  For You said in Your Word, if I seek Your kingdom and live righteous, all my needs will be met.  I believe and stand on Your Word and know that all my needs will be met.  Thank You, Father, for answered prayers, Amen.



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