~A Heart of Obedience - Day 22~
Monday, January 27, 2020
I take joy in doing your will, my God, for Your instructions are written on my heart. Psalm 40:8 (NLT)
A lot happens when you are willing to walk in obedience. God rewards obedience (Gen 22:18; Ex 19:5; Luke 11:28; James 1:22-25). When you are faithful to obey God’s instructions for your life, He is faithful to bless you. It is your obedience that is distinctively rewarded. It is your obedience that honors God.
Prayer should never be a substitute for obedience. It’s not enough to pray, you must be willing to hear His voice and follow His Instructions. Your feet should be ready to move into action when you pray.
Today, be ready for action when you step into your prayer closet. Whatever the Father tells you to do – do it. Be obedient to the Father and He will reward you.
Journal Time:
- Are you praying diligently and responding to what God calls you to do?
- In what area of your life can you be more obedient to God’s call?
- Has He placed a specific area of service on your heart?
Father help me to be obedient to Your Word and what You’ve called me to do. Use me in the days to come to fulfill Your purpose in the earth. I surrender, submit and commit my will to You. I will follow Your voice from this day forward. Amen.